Summer Newsletter

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No. 25 White Art Clay

This is an all-purpose, low-fire, de-aired moist clay that is gray-white in the raw state and more intensely white when fired. Suitable for hand-building, modeling, and wheel throwing, its extreme plasticity makes even very large pieces easier to throw. This clay's unusual resistance to crazing makes it ideal for the classroom and all types of ceramic work. Bisque fire to Cone 04 (1971°F, 1077°C). The recommended glaze firing is Cone 05 (1911°F), but this clay can be fired as high as Cone 3 (2138°F) without distortion. At Cone 04, shrinkage is 6.3% and absorption is 13.7%. A 50 lb carton consists of two 25 lb bricks, each in a poly storage bag, so any amount can be used as required and the rest stored for future use. This clay is talc-free. Amaco or equal.

Laguna em210
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